Juanjo Martínez, also known as Juan Smart, began making fashion films by chance. After being an actor in Barcelona and Madrid for many years, he wanted to explore the other side of the camera and moved to New York to study Film Production, live experiences, learn about cultures, and toughen up.
A few years ago, Juanjo Martínez returned to Spain to become one of the most requested fashion films in the country.
How did you start in the fashion industry?
It was by chance, I returned from NYC after spending a few years there and landed in Madrid in 2009. I made a video for the now extinct brand Blanco when video was not as important and viral as it is today. From there, everything went smooth, and I haven’t stopped collaborating with different brands ever since.
What is the process like from when the client contacts you until you arrive at the session?
The process usually involves one or several meetings, either in person or through Zoom, many emails, phone calls, and/or WhatsApp messages exchanging references, music, inspirations, etc…
What does the client usually ask for?
They often demand high quality at a minimum cost. Previously, artistic creativity was prioritized, but now everything is focused on social media and TikTok-style content, sales, sales, and more sales.
What equipment do you bring with you to work?
It depends on the budget and the quality that is required.
The Creative Process Behind Juan Smart’s Fashion Films
Where do you usually get your creativity for your videos?
I’ve been devouring cinema, advertising, photography, and different plastic artistic disciplines my whole life.
Is there also a trend in terms of videos?
Of course, as I mentioned before, now everything has a TikTok/Reels rhythm to catch the audience that consumes more and more of these types of platforms every day. Before, clients used to ask for as much as possible, but now the maximum is 1 minute. Clients usually want short pieces of 15 seconds for stories and/or 40 seconds for reels.
What brands have you worked with?
I have worked with brands such as Massimo Dutti, El Corte Inglés, Zara Home, Loewe, Carolina Herrera, Pedro del Hierro, Purificación García, Pedro García Shoes, Uterqüe, Andrés Sardà, Bimbaylola, Tous, Delpozo, as well as magazines such as Vogue Italia, MarieClaire, Desnudo, Metal Magazine, Vein, Vanidad, Manabouttown, Wonderland, among others.
What do you like the most about your job?
When I am alone in my editing room and trying to create magic with the recorded material.